Proven Results Against Fertility Malpractice

We Are The Top Fertility Malpractice Lawyers in The Country

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Fertility clinic misconduct can be devastating to families. What should be one of the happiest moments in a family’s life can turn to tragedy due to malpractice and wrongdoing by fertility clinics. Our team of fertility malpractice lawyers handle cases against fertility clinics and doctors such as: lost or destroyed embryos, wrong sperm used in fertility procedureswrong embryo implantederrors in genetic testing or embryo screening, birth defects, injuries during fertility procedures, and other forms of fertility clinic misconduct.

When you hire the Fertility Law Group, you get an army of industry specialists on your side. We are a group of nationally-recognized medical malpractice experts, trial lawyers, and children’s rights lawyers – all of whom will fight to protect your family’s rights.
Our attorneys have won numerous, multi-million dollar verdicts and settlements on behalf of victims and their families.  While we fight aggressively against fertility clinics and their insurance companies, we treat our clients with the utmost respect and compassion. We understand how difficult fertility misconduct can be on families and our mission is to provide assistance during this difficult time.
If you would like to learn more about your legal options, please contact us for a free consultation. We are here to help and provide information to you and your family.  There is no obligation and all calls are kept strictly confidential. We understand that privacy is often very important to victims of fertility misconduct.

Our Fertility Attorneys Help Families Who Have Been Victimized

IVF mixups and other fertility negligence happens more often than you think. Time and time again, families are devastated to discover that the facility used the wrong embryo, sperm, or egg. Embryos are negligently lost or destroyed. Sometimes, the doctor himself will insert his own sperm against the wishes of the family.  Families often do not discover these horrifying facts until years later.
Why do these tragedies happen so frequently? There are very little guidelines or standards in place to ensure that fertility procedures are safe and proper. Chain-of-custody problems, laboratory mix-ups, and use of mistaken embryos are shockingly common. There is no government agency or board that oversees reproductive clinics.
Our team of IVF malpractice lawyers are dedicated to helping families who have suffered because of fertility doctor and fertility clinic wrongdoing. We understand that fertility doctor wrongdoing can result in serious physical, emotional, and financial harm to patients and their families, and we fight to protect families rights. At the Fertility Law Group, we help victims of fertility clinic malpractice and misconduct. It is our mission to help compensate families for what they’ve been put through and to ultimately stop these tragedies from happening in the future.

Types of Fertility Malpractice Cases We Handle

Our fertility malpractice lawyers handle numerous types of cases against fertility clinics and fertility doctors. We file lawsuits and bring claims for cases such as: in vitro fertilization (IVF) mix ups, intrauterine insemination (IUI) mix ups, lost or destroyed embryos, eggs or sperm, negligent genetic testing/screening, birth defects, injuries caused by botched fertilization procedures, and other fertility doctor or clinic misconduct.

Why Choose Us

At Fertility Law Group, we have some of the most accomplished trial lawyers, medical malpractice lawyers, and child rights lawyers in the nation. Our attorneys started their careers at large defense firms. Tired of only representing wealthy corporations and insurance companies, we formed our own firm to represent individuals and families. Our attorneys have been featured in national news programs such as Good Morning America and ABC 20/20, and have been published in prominent legal journals on the subject of fertility clinic malpractice and the need for better regulation of this industry.
Our results speak for themselves: our attorneys have won over $100 million in verdicts and settlements on behalf of injured victims and their families. Please click the link below for more information about our legal team and how we can help.

Free, Confidential Consultations

If you believe that you or a loved one have suffered harm due to fertility malpractice, please contact us to discuss your options and your rights.  Our initial consultation is ALWAYS free and kept STRICTLY CONFIDENTIAL.  Our lawyers can help you understand whether you have a claim and whether it makes sense to hire a lawyer.  Our mission is to provide you with information and help during this emotional and stressful time.

Frequently Asked Questions

The fertility clinic wrongdoing happened years ago. Can I still make a claim?

It depends on the particular facts of your case, but in many instances – yes – you can still make a claim. Most of our clients only discover they’ve been the victims of fertility center misconduct years after it happened. In cases where the wrong egg, sperm, or embryos were implanted, families often discover wrongdoing years later through online genetic testing from websites like or We have helped families recover millions of dollars from fertility clinics for wrongdoing that occurred even a decade or more earlier. If you think you’ve been the victim of fertility misconduct—even if it happened many years ago—contact us for a free case evaluation. We are happy to talk with you to determine whether you have a claim.  

My family has been the victim of fertility clinic misconduct.  Do I need to hire a lawyer?

This is a complicated area of law and fertility clinics have an army of lawyers working for them. In most cases, it makes sense to have a good lawyer on your side with specialized knowledge of fertility issues. At the very least, you should have an initial consultation with a lawyer to go over your case. We offer free case evaluations with no obligation.

How much will it cost for you to take my case?

You will NEVER pay anything out of pocket. Our initial case evaluation is always free. If we determine that you have a case, we only get paid a fee if we are able to collect money for you through a verdict or settlement. This is called a “contingent fee” arrangement, where the attorney gets paid a percentage of money collected for their client’s case. If we are unable to collect any money for you, we get paid nothing and you owe us nothing. We are able to offer this fee structure because we win a very high percentage of our cases and often recover substantial amounts for our clients.

Will my claim be kept confidential?

Absolutely. We understand that fertility claims involve extremely sensitive and confidential subject matter, and we take our clients’ privacy very seriously. Our settlement agreements always contain strict confidentiality clauses, and if a lawsuit must be filed, we use pseudonyms in place of our client’s actual names, e.g., John Doe, Jane Doe and Child Doe. We do our utmost to protect our clients’ identities from public disclosure.

Are there limits or “caps” on how much I can recover for fertility clinic wrongdoing?

It depends on which state the wrongdoing took place in and what exactly happened. Many states have caps on the amount of “pain and suffering” that a claimant can recover for medical malpractice. “Pain and suffering” includes not just physical pain but things like mental anguish, grief, and anxiety, which are often the main items of damage in fertility cases. In many instances, we are able to argue that the conduct in question does not constitute “medical malpractice,” but is instead fraud, medical battery, or intentional infliction of emotional distress—claims that do NOT have caps on pain and suffering damages. Even in states with damages caps, we have been able to obtain millions of dollars for victims of fertility clinic misconduct.

Who can make a claim for fertility misconduct?

It depends on the type of misconduct. In many cases, both parents will have claims, but their claims could be under different legal theories. A child may also have a claim depending on whether they have suffered any physical injuries, sickness or handicap relating to the fertility procedures. In general, healthy children who are the product of a sperm/egg/embryo mixup do not have a claim for “wrongful life,” and claims for such mixups will reside with the parents. Fertility misconduct cases are very fact-specific; if you have questions about whether you may have a claim, we encourage you to contact us for a free case evaluation.  

If my child was the product of someone else’s sperm, egg or embryo, will the biological parent have any rights to my child?  Will they be able to contact my child?

This is often one of the biggest concerns our clients have.  They fear that if they make a claim against a fertility clinic, they will be exposing themselves to a claim for parental rights by a stranger, or risking that some stranger may try to contact their child. The short answer to these questions is this: HIPPA laws protect you and your child’s identities, and your information can never be legally disclosed to the biological parent. Parents who have a child through fertility procedures — regardless of the child’s DNA — are the legal parents of such children. A sperm, egg or embryo donor—whether intentional or accidental—will not have any legal claim to your child. This is a complicated area of law, which is why our legal team includes a children’s rights attorney. For more information, please call us for a free case evaluation with no obligation.

I have other questions not covered by your FAQ.  Can I call or email you for more information?

Yes! We encourage anyone who thinks they’ve been the victim of fertility clinic wrongdoing to contact us for a free case evaluation. We are happy to talk to you and your family and answer any questions you may have. We do not charge for this service and you are under absolutely no obligation to hire us. We understand how traumatic fertility misconduct can be for families and we strive to be a resource of information. There is never any pressure to hire us and your information will always be kept strictly confidential.  

Contact Us Now

If you have questions about your rights or your options, please contact us for a free consultation. There is no obligation and we keep all inquiries strictly confidential.